Author: Chen Tien (Chen Tien)

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Vineyards in France Serve Chinese Investors Seeking to Diversify Property Portfolios

Vineyards in France Serve Chinese Investors Seeking to Diversify Property Portfolios

Viticulture is a thriving business in spite of the challenges brought about by the climate changes going on along with global economic uncertainty. Investors based in China and Hong Kong seems to find vineyards in France as attractive investment opportunities in order to diversify their property portfolios. Declining interests from Chinese investors has been observed...

The Best AI Companies for Stocks

The Best AI Companies for Stocks

Regardless of how receptive we are towards it, Artificial Intelligence is already influencing the world around us. With all the hype surrounding the intelligent tomorrow, humans were in a way ready for the wave of AI. While AI is still pretty much in its nascent stage, we can expect a lot of progression from the...

Investments in the Startups Are Picking Up Pace in Arab Part of Asia

Investments in the Startups Are Picking Up Pace in Arab Part of Asia

There’s been a marked uptick in the investment activity across the Middle Eastern countries in Asia recent years. More interesting is the investment into the entrepreneurial landscape across these economies. It is no secret that countries across the Arab world such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and others have been desperately trying to wean their...

Indonesia Is Keen to Attract Chinese Investments

Indonesia Is Keen to Attract Chinese Investments

In a meeting of government representatives earlier this year, the Indonesian government showed a keen interest in welcoming Chinese investments across various sectors within its economy as part of its flagship BRI investments. The Indonesian representatives presented an investment opportunity to the Chinese investors along 28 projects that are roughly worth $127.5 billion altogether. These...

India Faces Threat of Reverse Sanctions from China as Huawei Might Get Restricted from 5G Bidding

India Faces Threat of Reverse Sanctions from China as Huawei Might Get Restricted from 5G Bidding

For quite a long time, India and China have managed to maintain their ties despite their historic territorial disputes. However, Huawei is ratcheting up tensions among the two amidst the US-China trade war. With numerous allegations charged on Huawei, is has been placed on a US trade blacklist due to security concerns. US has raised...

Why is FDA Fast-Tracking Fosun Orinove’s Cancer Drug a Groundbreaking Achievement?

Why is FDA Fast-Tracking Fosun Orinove’s Cancer Drug a Groundbreaking Achievement?

US Food and Drug Administration recently approved a Chinese experimental drug, ORIN1001, to be fast-tracked. Fast-tracking is a practice intended to aid the development and expedite the appraisal of drugs created for the treatment of life-threatening diseases or medical conditions. This drug is designed for the treatment of patients with relapsed, resistant and secondary breast...

China’s Pharmaceutical Market Prime for Investment

China’s Pharmaceutical Market Prime for Investment

Trade analysts say investment in China’s pharmaceutical market is a safe choice amid the current political climate and the ongoing US-China trade conflict. It is a budding industry mostly dependent on domestic consumption. Retail Investors are hesitant to place their bets on biotechnology companies listed in Hong Kong that are yet to generate any revenue....

Chinese Education Follows Chinese Investment in Indonesia

Chinese Education Follows Chinese Investment in Indonesia

The rising Chinese investments in the Indonesian economy are no secret anymore. There has been an exponential rise in these investments ever since Chinese President XI Jinping rolled out his ambitious trillion dollar BRI project. Trade with Indonesia has also significantly increased as the two countries have forged closer ties over the past few years....

China Invites Foreign Investors to Invest in VPN Services

China Invites Foreign Investors to Invest in VPN Services

Amongst the world’s 1000 most popular websites, China has blocked access to 135 of them. It uses its Great Firewall for doing so. Some of the websites blocked are Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Using these websites in China was considered to be a punishable offense. The USA has asked China to open up its...