When it comes to healthcare provision, China has a huge population to cater to. On top of that, China has been experiencing major demographic changes with both the birth and death rates declining. This leaves China with an increasingly aging population with unique healthcare requirements. One of the most common problems that the healthcare sector...
Author: Chen Tien (Chen Tien)
China’s Equity Sector is a Big Draw for Private Investors
China’s healthcare sector is a growing goldmine for investors looking to hedge their money in a safe industry. Private drug makers and hospitals are among the biggest bright spots for investors across the country of China, as there is high potential for such investment there. The rising income level of the population, coupled with the...
China Is Right on Its Course towards Economic Globalization with Massive OBOR Investments
The idea of this grand economic and infrastructure developmental project was first revealed to the world in 2013 by President Xi. Between then and now, the project has come a long way. The One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative sought to revive the ancient “Silk Route” that once connected China to much of the known...
The Landscape of Wealth Management is Changing With Advent of Artificial Intelligence
The aspect of wealth management in the world today is seeing itself changing completely with the advent of artificial intelligence and the new age investors: millennials. While the current situation all around the world shows that millennials clearly are struggling financially, the new generation is also set to inherit trillions over the course of the...
China’s Investment in Nanotechnology
China’s applied nanoscience research and the industrialization of nanotechnology have been developing at a steady pace. This has effectively made the Asian country one of the powerhouses in the world of nanotechnology at a global scale. The number of applications using nanotechnology in the country has been increasing over the past few years and according...
Investment in AI: China Leading the Charge
China has already started the groundwork that is going to set the stage for the country to lead the world in AI by 2030. Last year, the state council revealed its three-step path creating a framework for how it intends to develop AI in the country and how it will be applied in areas, ranging...
China’s Shifting Bank Structure
After the recent hit to the Chinese market, the government was forced to take measures to bring it back on track. Among the actions taken, one measure that stood out was the introduction of loan-to-equity swap. The measure means that the bank will convert the loan amount due on the party to stock options if...
Health Care Financing In the Asia Pacific Region
The Asia-Pacific region is all set to drive large-scale transformations to the health systems of most countries because of the overall socioeconomic, demographic and epidemiological changes taking place in the expanse. The fiscal gap that is budding due to the growth in already overpopulated countries specifically is supported by a demographic ‘window of opportunity’ because...
The future is Green
Global new investment in renewable energy increased 2% in 2017 with total transactions also increasing 1%. The industry ended 2018 with new investments of 279.8 billion USD and transactions totaling 393.8 billion USD. 2018 is on track to be another strong year for investment with total new investments in the industry at 211.4 billion USD...
FinTech Industry in China
Traditional financial centers such as London and New York are witnessing increased competition from Chinese cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen with the rise of FinTech. While China’s traditional financial sector is relatively undeveloped and restricted from foreign participation, the country’s Internet Finance, or Financial Technology (FinTech), industry has developed rapidly in recent years with an...